martes, 7 de octubre de 2014


Food gives our body the energy we need to function. For many people, changing eating habits is very hard. We may have had certain eating habits for so long that we do not realized if they are healthy.Some scientists have shown that with work pressure and stressful lifestyle, many people do not have enough time to cook so they often buy fast food.

Is is very important for people to have good eating habits because abusing of junk food, prepared and high-fat meals can cause heart disease, diabetes and obessity to us.
It is necessary to remark that breakfast sets the tone for the day. A healthy breakfast will give our body the energy it need to get us to lunch.

As far as children are concerned we can say that by teaching them healthy eating habits and encourage them to do exercise when they are young, both will help them to mantain a healthy lifestyle when they are adults.

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